Category Archives: Health

U.K. Approves Study That Will Infect Volunteers With Covid

LONDON — In the coming weeks, a small, carefully selected group of volunteers is expected to arrive on the 11th floor of a London hospital to be given what the rest of the world’s 7.8 billion people have been trying to avoid: a coronavirus infection. They will be administered tiny droplets of the virus into […]

The C.D.C. needs to set air guidelines now for workplaces, scientists say.

Scientists are urging the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to swiftly set standards to limit the airborne transmission of the coronavirus in high-risk settings like meatpacking plants and prisons. The push comes nearly a year after research showed that the virus can be spread through tiny droplets called aerosols that linger indoors in stagnant […]

U.K. Approves Study That Will Deliberately Infect Volunteers With Coronavirus

LONDON — In the coming weeks, a small, carefully selected group of volunteers is expected to arrive on the 11th floor of a London hospital to be given what the rest of the world’s 7.8 billion people have been trying to avoid: a coronavirus infection. They will be administered tiny droplets of the virus into […]

The Rise of the Wellness App

Our dependency on technology has concentrated wealth in America, making San Francisco home to the most billionaires per capita than any other city. Nearly all of them are white, cisgender men. The pay disparities that have long existed in Silicon Valley are growing, reproducing race and class hierarchies that devalue domestic and menial labor and […]

How to Buy a Real N95 Mask Online

A year into the coronavirus pandemic, buying a heavy-duty medical mask online remains downright maddening. The most coveted mask to keep safe against Covid-19 has been the N95, the gold standard for pandemic protection because of its tight fit and 95 percent efficiency in filtering airborne particles. Then there’s the KN95 from China, a mask […]

Scientists to C.D.C.: Set Air Standards for Workplaces Now

Nearly a year after scientists showed that the coronavirus can be inhaled in tiny droplets called aerosols that linger indoors in stagnant air, more than a dozen experts are calling on the Biden administration to take immediate action to limit airborne transmission of the virus in high-risk settings like meatpacking plants and prisons. The 13 […]

Bernard Lown, Inventive Heart Doctor and Antiwar Activist, Dies at 99

The award was particularly controversial because Dr. Chazov, a member of the Soviet Communist Party’s Central Committee, was the personal physician to Kremlin leaders and had, a decade earlier, spoken out against the only other Soviet recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, Andrei D. Sakharov, the human rights activist who as a physicist had been […]

Dozens Contract Covid-19 After Abundance 360 Conference

A technology executive in California has apologized for hosting a conference in Culver City after which two dozen attendees and staff members at the event tested positive for the coronavirus. The executive, Peter H. Diamandis, was among those who contracted the coronavirus. He hosted the conference — an annual summit for a paid-membership group called […]