Category Archives: Health

Biden Administration Plans to Recommend Easing Marijuana Restrictions

The Justice Department plans to forward a recommendation for easing restrictions on marijuana to the White House in what could amount to a major change in federal policy, according to three people familiar with the matter. Even though the move, which if approved would kick off a lengthy rule-making process, does not end the criminalization […]

Physical Fitness Can Improve Mental Health in Children and Adolescents, Study Suggests

The Study The new study, conducted by researchers in Taiwan, compared data from two large data sets: the Taiwan National Student Fitness Tests, which measures student fitness performance in schools, and the National Insurance Research Databases, which records medical claims, diagnoses prescriptions and other medical information. The researchers did not have access to the students’ […]

How Married Couples Navigate Sexless Relationships

Times Insider explains who we are and what we do and delivers behind-the-scenes insights into how our journalism comes together. When Amanda Montei began reporting an article last year about married couples who had little to no sex, she didn’t know how forthcoming people would be about their sex lives. But to her surprise, many […]

CPAP Lawsuits Settled for $1.1 Billion

Philips Respironics has reached a $1.1 billion settlement over claims that people who used their CPAP and other breathing devices were harmed by noxious gasses and flecks of foam that lodged in their airways, sometimes for years. Thousands of people contended in lawsuits that they had been injured by popular Philips DreamStation machines. The settlement […]

How Supplement Stores Are Trying to Tap Into the Ozempic Boom

As diabetes and weight-loss drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy took off in the last few years, many people turned away from established diet and nutrition products. Now, two retailers that specialize in nutritional supplements — GNC and the Vitamin Shoppe — are trying new approaches to win over people who are taking those drugs or […]

Bird Flu Outbreak in Cattle May Have Begun Months Earlier Than Thought

The bird flu outbreak in American dairy cattle may have begun in January, or even as early as December, a new analysis of genetic data suggests. The Department of Agriculture announced in late March that dairy cattle in Texas and Kansas had tested positive for the virus, called H5N1. It has since reported cases in […]

Grandmother Becomes Second Patient to Receive Kidney From Gene-Edited Pig

A severely ill 54-year-old woman earlier this month became the second person to receive a kidney transplanted from a genetically modified pig, surgeons at NYU Langone Health in New York announced on Wednesday. The patient, who had both heart failure and kidney failure, was given the organ on April 12, just eight days after receiving […]

U.S. Lags Behind Other Countries in Hepatitis-C Cures

In the 10 years since the drugmaker Gilead debuted a revolutionary treatment for hepatitis C, a wave of new therapies have been used to cure millions of people around the world of the blood-borne virus. Today, 15 countries, including Egypt, Canada and Australia, are on track to eliminate hepatitis C during this decade, according to […]

Supreme Court Arguments on Idaho’s Abortion Ban: 5 Takeaways

The abortion case before the Supreme Court on Wednesday featured vigorous questioning and comments, particularly by the three liberal justices. At issue is whether Idaho’s near-total ban on abortion is so strict that it violates a federal law requiring emergency care for any patient, including providing abortions for pregnant women in dire situations. A ruling […]

Beth Linker is Turning Good Posture On its Head

For decades, the idea of standing properly upright carried considerable political and social baggage. Slouching was considered a sign of decay. In the early 20th century, posture exams became mainstays in the military, the workplace and schools, thanks in part to the American Posture League, a group of physicians, educators and health officials that formed […]