Category Archives: Health

Doctors Harness the Power of Human Connections

Last year, the V.A. started “a new social prescription program,” called Compassionate Contact Corps. Originally a home visitation program, it was restarted as a teleservice for veterans experiencing loneliness and social isolation when the pandemic hit. About 1,000 veterans are participating in the program, which involves phone or video calls with trained volunteers and requires […]

Eating Disorders in Teens Have ‘Exploded’ in the Pandemic

What young people find when they go looking for fitness information can be highly problematic. They are likely to come across harmful “thinspiration” and “fitspiration” posts celebrating slim or sculpted bodies, or even sites that encourage eating disordered behavior. Worse, algorithms record online search information and are “deliberately designed to feed harmful weight loss content […]

Parents’ Diet and Exercise Habits, Even Before Birth, May Contribute to Child’s Well-Being

So, for the new study, which was published in March in the Journal of Applied Physiology, scientists at the University of Virginia School of Medicine and other institutions first gathered a large group of mice. Some of the animals, male and female, were allowed to gorge on a high-fat, high-calorie diet, inducing obesity and metabolic […]

¿Se puede tomar alcohol después de la vacuna para la covid?

Los ensayos clínicos de las vacunas para la covid que actualmente están aprobadas para su uso por la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos (FDA por su sigla en inglés) no analizaron específicamente si el alcohol tenía algún impacto en la eficacia de las vacunas, dijo Hewlett. Es posible que haya más información al respecto en […]