Expert Recommended ‘No Force’ Used Once Floyd Was Restrained

“Now, are you familiar with the concept of proportionality?” “Yes, I am.” “Can you please explain the concept of proportionality as it relates to the use of force to the jury?” “Yes, so proportionality basically means that an officer is only allowed to use a level of force that’s proportional to the seriousness of the crime or the level of resistance that a subject is using towards the officers.” “Sir, do you have an opinion to a degree of reasonable and professional certainty to how much force was reasonable for the defendant to use on Mr. Floyd after Mr. Floyd was handcuffed, placed in a prone position and not resisting?” “Yes.” “What was that opinion?” “My opinion was that no force should have been used once he was in that position.” “Cameras can’t, they don’t have a feeling or a sensation right? You can’t determine what someone — the tension in their body, right, based on a camera?” “Specifically are you —” “If someone is, if someone is struggling, right, and you’ve got them handcuffed, they can still be tense, but not really look very tense, right?” “I would disagree with that.” “OK, so the camera would be able to pick up whether someone is having a particular sensory experience?” “Yes, it can.” “OK.”

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