Negative Pregnancy Test: These 3 Reasons

Negative pregnancy test happens, and it’s a common thing. So, do not get worried if you just had a home pregnancy test and got a negative pregnancy test result. You may tend to get worried or depressed especially if you were expecting a baby to complete your relationship or marriage. I’ve heard of cases of women in marriages getting depressed when they do not have a baby.

It’s the joy of every woman not to get a negative pregnancy test especially if they were expecting a life in their womb. If you just got a negative pregnancy test and you were expecting otherwise, you’ve taken then right step by coming to nine months due to learn about the reasons behind it. Do not be disappointed, it happens all the time to different women all over the world. Here are the reasons…

1) There’s a possibility you’re not pregnant

The home pregnancy tests work by detecting hCG in your urine. After fertilization, the body starts producing hCG. The levels of hCG increase as the pregnancy grows. So, if hCG was present in your urine and you followed the instructions while taking the pregnancy test, pregnancy test should have confirmed it. Do not feel sorry or get depressed if hCG. There’s still a ray of hope. There is still another reason that you need to look at. Continue reading to find out.

2) There’s a chance you took the home pregnancy test too early

If you got a negative pregnancy test, there’s a chance you took the test too early. As we noticed earlier, home pregnancy tests work by detecting hCG, and they vary in sensitivities. Some are sensitive than the others. Some can detect pregnancy when hCG are as low as 25 mIU.

Others detect pregnancy at 100 mIU of hCG. Therefore, there’s a chance that the hCG count in your urine was still very low for the pregnancy test to detect.

Wait for a week and then take the test again when the hCG levels have doubled or increased.

3) There’s a chance you’ve infertility problems

We know a pregnancy happens after a successful sexual intercourse. Pregnancy happens after your partner’s sperm fertilizes the egg. Well, if you have been doing pregnancy tests for a while and all you keep getting is a negative pregnancy test result, it’s time we consider an option that you’ve infertility problems. An infertile man or woman cannot conceive, at least scientifically.

You need a miracle to conceive in such circumstances. It’s good to get a doctor’s appointment to discuss the issue. The doctor will carry out tests to determine if you have any infertility problems. If present, your doctor will initiate the treatment or therapy right away.

Within a few months of receiving the treatment and having a healthy sexual intercourse with your partner, I’m sure you’ll not get a negative test again! I’m sure you feel better now because you now know the reasons behind a negative pregnancy test. No more sleepless nights or restlessness if you got a negative pregnancy test.

If you’ve a friend who is going through the same dilemma of why she got a negative pregnancy test, feel free to share this information with her. He or She will forever be grateful for the insightful information.

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