The Indispensable Role of a Mother: Nurturing Bonds Between Father, Baby, and Mother

Motherhood is a transformative journey that encompasses boundless love, selflessness, and unwavering dedication. As we explore the role of a mother, it becomes apparent that her influence extends far beyond the immediate bond she shares with her baby. In this blog post, we will delve into the significance of a mother’s role in nurturing and […]

My pregnancy test is negative. Could it be wrong?

Answer: Pregnancy tests detect human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) which is only produced by pregnancy cells. Today’s tests can detect very small amounts of hCG in urine and blood. This allows women to detect pregnancy up to a week before a missed period. Physicians generally do not recommend performing a pregnancy test until after the expected […]

12 Reasons for Late Period Negative Pregnancy Test

Welcome again to We have received several questions as to why a woman can have a missed periods and negative pregnancy test like am I pregnant? could i be pregnant? Of course pregnancy is the first things we about when our period is missed especially if you engage in sexual activities. However there are […]

When to take a pregnancy test?

When you are attempting to get pregnant, you constantly ask yourself questions such as  “am I pregnant or not? ” or “when to take a pregnancy test ?”. At that point, your just wish is to take a pregnancy test with a specific end goal to affirm it. Taking a pee pregnancy test is the most agreeable, circumspect […]