Missed Period Negative Pregnancy Test?

Before we get started on missed period negative pregnancy test, I have a tip that you should always remember when it comes to pregnancy tests. “Home pregnancy tests work by detecting human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels in your body.” It is a moment of concern when you get a missed period negative pregnancy test, and you were expecting to be pregnant. One of the sure signs that you’re pregnant is missing a period.

In this case, however, you missed a period, and when you did a pregnancy test you got a missed period negative pregnancy test result. If you give me 3 minutes, I’ll give you the reasons for a missed period negative pregnancy test. I mean, that’s why you’re here in the first place. We’ll talk and by the end of the session, you’ll be a happy woman and your worries will be gone…

Reasons for missed period negative pregnancy test

1) Pregnancy test sensitivity levels

Today, almost all the pregnancy test manufacturers claim that their kits can detect pregnancy 5 days prior to a missed period. This is not always the case. Studies have shown that these claims have to be revised, at least to benefit all women taking pregnancy tests in the future. Your body starts producing hCG after successful implantation of the embryo in the uterus.

The hormones increase as the pregnancy grows, and it takes over 6 weeks to achieve maximum levels. By the time you tested, the hCG levels were very low, and the pregnancy test you used was not sensitive enough to detect the low levels of hCG. This is the reason you receives a missed period negative pregnancy test.

2) Deviating from the pregnancy test instructions

Once in a while, take instructions for granted and do things as we wish. It should not be the case when taking a pregnancy test. The pregnancy test manufacturers insert printed instruction inside the pregnancy test box that should be followed to the letter.

The instructions include how you should hold the pregnancy test stick, how long you should wet the absorbent tip with urine, and how long you should wait to check the proper results. If you missed following the given instructions carefully, it’s why you got a missed period negative pregnancy test result. Ensure you observe the instructions in the future.

3) Testing the pregnancy too early

HCG levels are very low during early days of pregnancy and take time to increase. It follows that if you took the pregnancy test too early, the pregnancy test was unable to detect any hCG in your urine. This is the reason you got a missed period negative pregnancy test.

It’s recommended that you wait for two days after the initial pregnancy test to allow the hCG levels to rise to detectable levels. It doesn’t hurt to wait, and it’s better than rushing and getting improper pregnancy test results. I hope the session was helpful, and now you understand why you got a missed period negative pregnancy test.

It’s wise to share information because it’s the best way it sticks into our brains. Share the information you learned on missed period negative pregnancy test and live long to have a beautiful baby.

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