New due-diligence rules for Caribbean companies


Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) is helping Caribbean company executives setup responsible business practices. - Photo courtesy Dr Axel Kravatzky
Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) is helping Caribbean company executives setup responsible business practices. – Photo courtesy Dr Axel Kravatzky

Caribbean company executives now have more guidelines to achieve responsible business practices, with the adoption of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) by the European Union (EU) Council last week.

This directive signifies a landmark shift in corporate responsibility and sustainability. This decision underscored the EU’s commitment to sustainable and responsible business practices across its member states and beyond.

It signifies the culmination of negotiations and the start of a new era when businesses operating in the EU market, including those from the Caribbean, must embed human-rights and environmental considerations into their operational and decision-making processes.

This matters significantly, as it sets a definitive timeline for the transposition and application of the directive, affecting companies directly and indirectly associated with the EU market.

CSDDD controversies, discussions

The introduction of the CSDDD ignited a multifaceted debate, touching on its scope, implications and operational feasibility.

Critics argue that while the directive introduces necessary frameworks for sustainability and human rights, its eventual, diluted form – a compromise resulting from intense negotiations – falls short of the transformative change needed to address global challenges. Originally intended to cover a broader range of companies, the directive’s reach was reduced to encompass firms with more than 1,000 employees and €450 million turnover.

This revision has sparked concern among environmentalists and human rights advocates, who argue that such adjustments significantly narrow the directive’s impact, leaving a vast number of smaller companies, which collectively have substantial environmental and social footprints, without stringent oversight.

Furthermore, the phased implementation timeline, extending up to five years for certain companies, is seen by some stakeholders as a delay in addressing urgent sustainability and ethical issues.

Critics argue that given the pressing nature of global challenges like climate change and human-rights abuses, more immediate action is needed. They contend that the gradual approach might provide companies ample time to adjust, but it also prolongs the period during which unsustainable and unethical practices may continue unabated.

On the other hand, there’s a chorus from certain segments of the business community arguing that the CSDDD imposes excessive regulatory burdens, particularly on SMEs, potentially stifling innovation and competitiveness.

Moreover, the international dimension of the CSDDD’s applicability has sparked a global discourse on extraterritoriality and sovereignty, with some countries outside the EU expressing concerns over the directive’s global reach and its implications for international trade and co-operation.

This underscores the complexities and nuances involved in regulating corporate behaviour across diverse legal and cultural landscapes, further fuelling the debate on the directive’s scope and effectiveness.

While the CSDDD marks a significant step towards embedding sustainability within the corporate sector, the controversy surrounding its final form, scope and implementation timeline illustrates the complexities of translating broad sustainability ambitions into concrete regulatory frameworks. The dialogue reflects broader tensions between the urgent need for systemic change to address global environmental and social challenges and the practical realities of regulatory implementation and corporate adaptation.

Strategic approach for Caribbean companies

In the Caribbean, we can use the directive to create a framework for aligning operations with the CSDDD, the European market and eventually the world.

By actively engaging with the directive’s requirements, businesses not only prepare for future compliance but also contribute to a sustainable and responsible global marketplace.

This proactive approach can lead to improved stakeholder relationships, better market positioning, and enhanced resilience against sustainability-related risks.

Here are some of the articles which should be observed:

– Article 5: Develop a due-diligence policy

Caribbean executives should start by formulating or revising their due-diligence policies, ensuring they reflect the commitment to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for human-rights and environmental risks.

This policy should be communicated internally and externally, demonstrating the company’s dedication to sustainable and ethical practices.

– Article 6: Identifying actual and potential impacts

It’s crucial to establish procedures for ongoing risk identification related to your company’s activities and value chain.

This involves mapping out the supply chain, doing regular risk assessments and identifying areas where your business operations could have adverse impacts on human rights and the environment.

– Article 7: Preventive actions and mitigating impacts

Based on the risks identified, Caribbean companies should develop and integrate strategies to prevent or mitigate adverse impacts.

This could involve modifying contractual agreements, engaging in deeper supplier assessments or altering business practices to ensure risks are addressed proactively.

– Article 8: Establish and maintain a verification process

Implement verification processes to ensure that prevention and mitigation measures are effectively applied and sustained over time.

This could involve internal or external audits, regular reviews of supplier compliance and updates to risk management strategies based on verification findings.

– Article 9: Set up a complaints procedure

Develop a transparent mechanism for grievances and complaints related to the adverse impacts of business activities.

This should be accessible to affected communities, employees and other stakeholders, allowing them to report concerns safely and confidentially.

– Article 10: Monitor effectiveness of due diligence

Regular monitoring of the effectiveness of your due-diligence measures is crucial.

Set up indicators and benchmarks to assess progress, and use this data to inform and adjust strategies and practices continually.

– Article 11: Public communication and reporting

Enhance transparency by publicly communicating your due-diligence processes and findings.

Prepare comprehensive reports detailing the actions taken to address adverse impacts, challenges faced and progress made towards mitigating risks.

Furthermore, Caribbean businesses should stay informed about the developing guidelines under Article 13 (Guidelines) and leverage any support measures introduced as per Article 14 (Accompanying measures). These resources will provide additional clarity and assistance, helping companies navigate the complexities of the directive and implement effective due-diligence practices.

Navigating forward

While the CSDDD presents new challenges, it also offers Caribbean companies a chance to lead in sustainability and corporate responsibility.

By understanding the directive’s provisions, particularly Articles 5-11, and taking practical steps towards compliance, Caribbean executives can ensure their companies not only meet international regulations, but also drive positive change in their communities and beyond.


Dr Axel Kravatzky is managing partner of TT-based Syntegra-360 Ltd, vice-chair of ISO/TC309 Governance of Organizations and president of EUROCHAMTT.

He enables companies to flourish through integrated governance, certified management systems and transformational leadership.

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