Love turned sour left him on the streets

41 Minutes Ago

Sookdeo Manwah is saddened over the death of his son, and also bitter, as he believes the ending of a relationship was one reason that led his son to homelessness.

The bloody body of Manwah’s 49-year-old son, Vijay Latchman Manwah, was found near a Piarco church on Wednesday morning by residents in the area.

Police suspect Vijay was murdered, but are awaiting the results of an autopsy on Monday.

Speaking with Newsday at the Forensic Science Centre, St James, on Friday, Manwah said his son started living on the street after a girlfriend ended a relationship with him some years ago.

He said while some relatives had tried to get Manwah off the street over the years, he always returned to an area near the churchyard in Piarco, where he lived.

“He had a family problem. He was never married but she (the girlfriend) left him and went with someone else, and that kind of tripped him off.

“He used to stay with his aunt at one point. Then he started staying with me in Las Lomas.

“But he always wanted his own way as well. He had a certain level of freedom living out on the streets that he preferred, because he knew if he lived under someone’s roof he had to obey their rules.”

Manwah said he was at home when some men he knew from the area told him about his son’s death.

He said he was not sure of the circumstances, but was surprised his son was murdered, as he usually kept to himself.

“He used to work odd jobs in the area he was living, and that is how he got money to support whatever he drank or smoked.

“When those fellas came and told me all the blood they found at the scene, I couldn’t believe it. I just folded my arms, because I know he wouldn’t steal anything from anyone.”

Another relative who was at the centre said she was disturbed at the thought of someone murdering Vijay Manwah.

“He never interfered with anyone. It’s very hurtful to know. He was such a nice person.

“Why would anyone want to murder him? Because he was homeless? That’s still not a reason to kill someone. I don’t understand.”

The Homicide Bureau of Investigations Region II is continuing enquiries.

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