Leveraging AI in your job search, education future


How AI can help in your job hunting process.
Photo courtesy Keron Rose. -
How AI can help in your job hunting process.
Photo courtesy Keron Rose. –

In the dynamic landscape of today’s job market, artificial intelligence (AI) is not just a tool for automation but a pivotal ally in career development and job searching.

Whether you’re a student setting the stage for a future career, a professional contemplating a career shift or a job seeker aiming to stand out, AI can significantly enhance your approach.

This article delves into how AI can assist in meticulously crafting resumes and cover letters, pinpointing the most relevant degrees or certifications and evaluating your compatibility with potential job roles.

By integrating AI into your career strategy, you can ensure that your qualifications and professional documents are not only tailored to the requirements of your desired industry but are also compelling to prospective employers.

For these examples, you can use either Chat GPT or Google Gemini, and everything can be done on the free version.

How can AI be used?

– Creating your resume and cover letter

– Analysing fit for potential role

– Reverse engineering what degrees or certifications you need for a role.

Creating your resume

Even without a resume, you can easily create one with AI.

Simply provide the AI with your name, skills, work experience, education and any additional qualifications like certifications or volunteer work. You can converse with the AI as you would with a person.

After inputting your information, the AI will generate your resume. You can add sensitive details like your address and phone number later for privacy.

AI tools also design resumes compatible with applicant tracking systems (ATS), which many HR departments use to filter candidates, ensuring your resume won’t be overlooked.

Resumes created in Canva or simply not formatted for ATS run the risk of being discarded by the ATS software.

The AI tools can create an ATS-compliant resume for you.

Analysing job fit

For this, find the jobs that you want to apply for. If you are using the paid version of Chat GPT, you can copy and paste the link into GPT for it to analyse, but on the free versions, you can copy and paste the job description.

For this to work, upload/ copy and paste your resume into Chat GPT or Google Gemini and tell it to analyse your resume for a potential fit for a job role.

Then paste the link or copy and paste the job spec into the AI tool. You will then tell it to analyse both your resume and the job spec, give you a rating out of ten to see how well you fit and provide five reasons why you are fit for a position, and what the role will require that you may not have.

It will then give you a rating and break down why you are or aren’t a fit for the role and tell you exactly how you fit this role and what else you may need to obtain or look out for in this role.

Cover letter

After doing your job-fit exercise, tell the AI tool to craft a cover letter that is specific to the job you are applying for, but make sure it considers the information from your resume and aligns it to the role.

You will have a customised cover letter that is specific to the role and company within seconds.

Reverse-engineering your education

Go on LinkedIn, search for a company that you want to work with and find someone working in the exact role you are aiming to be in. Take a screenshot of the role – people usually list their duties on LinkedIn that they do in the role, so ensure your screenshot has that or copy and paste.

Load this information into Chat GPT or Google Gemini and tell it to give you the degrees/diplomas, short courses, certifications, soft skills and what volunteer work you would need to do to be a match for that specific role.

The AI tool will then give you an educational plan of everything you need for that specific role. You can take that info and then research online the schools and courses to get the education/training.

I hope these strategies play a big part in guiding you on the right path in your job search and educational journey.

This is great for students who may be trying to break into spaces but don’t have the guidance around them to tell them what they need.

Keron Rose is a digital strategist who works with businesses to build their digital presence and monetise their platforms.

Learn more at KeronRose.com or listen to the Digipreneur FM podcast on Apple podcast, Spotify, or Google podcasts.

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