How Not to Get a Pregnancy Test Negative

I think getting a pregnancy test negative is the worst thing that can happen to a woman who is expecting to be pregnant. A pregnancy test negative does not necessarily mean you’re not pregnant. There’s a chance that you’re pregnant only that there are some things you didn’t follow or observe when doing the pregnancy test.

I will guide you on how not to get a pregnancy test negative when you’re indeed pregnant and be joyous. I will keep the guide simple, and you should always have it at your fingertips when taking a pregnancy test in the future. You’ll be in a good capacity to advise your friends wishing to take a pregnancy test too.

How Not to Get a Pregnancy Test Negative 

1) Use the first morning urine when taking a pregnancy test

When taking a pregnancy test, always use the first morning urine. It has the highest concentration of hCG hormones. A home pregnancy test works by detecting hCG in the urine. You should not use the day urine because it is dilute and has the lowest concentration of hCG hormones. This way you will not get a pregnancy test negative.

2) Take the pregnancy test two weeks after you’ve missed your period

Taking the pregnancy too early is not a wise idea because the levels of hCG are still low, and they may not be detected by a pregnancy test. It’s a wise idea to relax and wait until after two weeks have passed to allow the hCG hormones to increase to detectable levels. This is a good way of not getting a pregnancy test negative.

3) Follow the pregnancy test instructions to the closely

We’re culprits of relaxing the rules here and there and do things as we wish. I you don’t want to get a pregnancy test negative, follow the pregnancy test instructions to the letter. You’ll be joyous in the end knowing that you’re pregnant.

4) Purchase the most sensitive pregnancy test

Pregnancy tests have different sensitivities. The most sensitive pregnancy test can detect very small amounts of hCG in your urine and confirm you’re pregnant. This is best for you especially if you can’t observe “number 2”. If you can’t wait, get the most sensitive pregnancy test, and you’ll not get a pregnancy test negative.

5) Use a working and credible pregnancy test

The surest way of getting a pregnancy test negative is to use a defective pregnancy test. This is definitely not what you want. You want joy. Always ensure the pregnancy test is not defective or expired. And Be Joyous… How joyous you’ll be when you don’t get a pregnancy test negative. How great it will be telling your partner that you’re pregnant. How great it will be when you boast to your friends and tell them you didn’t get a pregnancy test negative and shout the joyous news, “I’m pregnant!” How great the thought of being a mum in the next 9 months will be.

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