adj. (ier, iest) wineflavoured. wipe v. (ping) 1 clean or dry the surface of by rubbing. 2 rub (a cloth) over a surface. 3 spread (a liquid etc.) over a surface by rubbing. 4 (often foll. by away, of etc.) a clear or remove by wiping. b erase or eliminate completely. n. 1 act of wiping. 2 piece of specially treated material for wiping (antiseptic wipes). r. wipe down clean (a wall etc.) by wiping. wipe the floor with colloq. inflict a humiliating defeat on. wipe off annul (a debt etc.). wipe out 1 destroy, annihilate, obliterate. 2 clean the inside of. wipe up 1 dry (dishes etc:). 2 take up (a liquid etc.) by wiping. [Old English] wiper R. = WINDSCREEN WIPER.