n. 1 suggesting or being suggested. 2 theory, plan, etc., suggested. 3 slight trace, hint. 4 Psycho!. insinuation of a belief etc. into the mind. [Latin: related to SUGGEST] suggestive isaid3estiv/ adj. 1 (usu. foil. by of) hinting (at). 2 (of a remark, joke, etc.) indecent. a suggestively adv. suicidal /,sim’said(a)1/ adj. 1 inclined to commit suicide. 2 of suicide. 3 selfdestructive; rash. suicidally adv. suicide Tsu:1,saul/ n. 1 a intentional killing of oneself. b person who commits suicide. 2 selfdestructive action or course (political suicide). [Latin sui of oneself, GIDE]
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