n. I a region between limits of variation, esp. scope of effect ive operation. b such limits. 2 area relevant to something. 3 a distance attainable by a gun or projectile. b distance between a gun or projectile and its objective. 4 row, series, etc., esp. of mountains. 5 area with targets for shooting. 6 fireplace with ovens hotplates for cooking. 7 area over whi a thing is distributed. 8 distance t can be covered by a vehicle witho refuelling. 9 distance between a camer and the subject to be photographed. 10 large area of open land for grazing or hunting. v. (ging) 1 reach; lie spread, out; extend; be found over a specified district; vary between limits. 2 (usu. in. passive or refl.) line up, arrange. 3 rove, wander. 4 traverse in all directions. [French: related to RANK’] rangefinder n. instrument for estimat ing the distance of an object to be shot at or photographed.