v. (-ting) form into pustules. [Latin: related to PUSTULE] pustule rpAstju:I/ n. pimple containing pus. o pustular adj. [Latin pustula] put /put/ v. (-tt-; past and past part put) 1 move to or cause to be in a specified place or position (put it in your pocket; put the children to bed). 2 bring into a specified condition or state (puts me in great difficulty). 3 (often foil. by on, to) impose, enforce, assign, or apply (put a tax on beer; where do you put the blame, put a stop to it’ put it to good use). 4 place (a person) or (refl.) imagine (oneself) in a specified position (put them at their ease; put yourself in my shoes). 5 (foll. by for) substitute (one