n. 1 pinkishbrow smooth nut with an edible kernel. 2 ty of hickory producing this. [Algonquian peccadillo Apeka’dilao/ n. (pl. es or s) trifling offence; venial sin. [Spanish pecadillo, from Latin pecco to sin (v.)] peck’ v. 1 strike or bite with a beak. 2 kiss hastily or perfunctorily. 3 a make ‘ (a hole) by pecking. b (foll. by out, oft) remove or pluck out by pecking. 4 (also absol.) colloq. eat listlessly; nibble at. n. 1 stroke, mark, or bite made by a beak. 2 hasty or perfunctory kiss. peck at 1 eat (food) listlessly; nibble. 2 carp at; nag. 3 strike repeatedly with a beak. [probably Low German] peck n. measure of capacity for dry goods, equal to 2 gallons or 8 quarts. o a peck of large number or amount of. [AngloFrench]