n. terminal for hovercraft. how interrog. adv. 1 by what means, in what way (how do you do it?; tell me how you do it; how could you?). 2 in what condition, esp. of health (how are you?; how do things stand?). 3 a to what extent (how jar is it?; how would you like to take my place?; how we laughed!). b to what extent good or well, what … like (how was the film?; how did they play?). rel. adv. in whatever way, as (do it how you can). conj. colloq. that (told us how he’d been in India). how about colloq. would you like (how about a quick swim?). how do you do? a formal greeting. how many what number. how much 1 what amount. 2 what price. how’s that? 1 what is your opinion or explanation of that? 2 Cricket (said to an umpire) is the batsman out or not? [Old English] howbeit /hao’biat/ adv. archaic nevertheless.
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