adj. 1 a of high quality; excellent (fine painting). b good, satisfactory (that will be fine). 2 a pure, refined. b (of gold or silver) containing a specified proportion of pure metal. 3 imposing, dignified (fine buildings). 0 in good health (I’m fine). 5 (of weather etc.) bright and clear. 6 a thin; sharp. b in small particles. c worked in slender thread. 7 euphemistic; flattering (fine words). 8 ornate, showy. 9 fastidious, affectedly refined. adv. 1 finely. 2 collog. very well (suits me fine).v. (ning) 1 (often foil. by away, down, of) make or become finer, thinner, more tapering, or less coarse. 2 (often foil. by down) make or become clear (esp. of beer etc.).