n. 1 organ of sight. 2 eye characterized by the colour of the iris (has blue eyes). 3 region round the eye (eyes swollen from weeping). 4 (in sing. or pl.) sight. 5 particular visual ability (a straight eye). 6 thing like an eye, esp.: a a spot on a peacock’s tail. b a leaf bud of a potato. 7 calm region at the centre of a hurricane etc. 8 hole of a needle. v. (eyes, eyed, eyeing or eying) (often foll. by up) watch or observe closely, esp. admiringly or with suspicion. all eyes watching intently. an eye for an eye retaliation in kind. have an eye for be discerning about. have one’s eye on wish or plan to procure. have eyes for be interested in; wish to acquire. keep an eye on 1 watch. 2 look after. keep an eye open (or out) (often foil. by for) watch carefully. keep one’s eyes open (or peeled or skinned) watch out; be on the alert. make eyes (or sheep’s eyes)
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