v. (also ise) (zing or sing) 1 a declare officially to be a saint, usu. with a ceremony. b regard as a saint. 2 admit to the canon of Scripture. 3 sanction by Church authority. o canonization kzeif(a)n/ n. [medieval Latin: related to CANON] canon law n. ecclesiastical law. canoodle ika’nu:d(a)li.v. (ling) colloq. kiss and cuddle. [origin unknown] canopy kmneptin. (pt ies) 1 a covering suspended over a throne, bed, etc. b sky. c overhanging shelter. 2 Archit. rootlike projection over a niche etc. 3 expanding part of a parachute. v. (ies, ied) supply or be a canopy to. [Greek, = mosquitonet]