n. 1 small sweet bread roll or cake, often with dried fruit. 2 hair coiled and pinned to the head. [origin unknown] bunch n. 1 things gathered together. 2 collection; lot (best of the bunch). 3 colloq. group; gang. v. 1 make into a bunch; gather into close folds. 2 form into a group or crowd. [origin unknown] bundle fbAnd(a)1/ n. 1 things tied or fastened together. 2 set of nerve fibres etc. 3 slang large amount of money. v. (ling) 1 (usu. foil. by up) tie or make into a bundle. 2 (usu. foil. by into) throw or move carelessly. 3 (usu. foll. by out, off, away, etc.) send away hurriedly. c be a bundle of nerves (or fun etc.) be extremely nervous (or amusing etc.). go a bundle on slang admire; like. [Low German or Dutch]
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