n. 1 item or thing. 2 nonfictional journalistic essay. 3 clause or item in an agreement or contract. 4 definite or indefinite article. v. (ling) employ under contract as a trainee. [Latin articulus from anus joint] articled clerk n. trainee solicitor. articular tenkjola(r)/ adj. of a joint or joints. [Latin: related to ARTICLE] articulate adj. ftetikjulati 1 fluent and clear in speech. 2 (of sound or speech) having clearly distinguishable parts. 3 having joints. v. imitiltjuleiti (ting) 1 a pronounce distinctly. b speak or express clearly. 2 (usu. in passive) connect by joints. 3 mark with apparent joints. 4 (often foil. by with) form a joint.