n. 1 a condensed atmospheric moisture falling in drops. b fall of such drops. 2 (in pL) a (prec. by the) rainy season. b rainfalls. 3 a falling liquid or solid particles or objects. b rainlike descent of these. v. 1 (prec. by it as subject) rain falls. 2 a fall like rain. b (prec. by it as subject) send in large quantities. 3 send down like rain; lavishly bestow (rained blows upon him). 4 (of the sky, clouds, etc.) send down rain. o rain off (or US out) (esp. in passive) cause (an event etc.) to be cancelled because of rain. [Old English] rainbow preinbao/ n. arch of colours formed in the sky by reflection. refracdon. and dispersion of the sun’s rays in falling rain or in spray or mist. adj. manycoloured. [Old English: related to
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