National Anthem of Curacao

National Flag of Curacao

Himno di Kòrsou

Lyrics by Friar Radulphus, 1898
Guillermo Rosario, Mae Henriquez, Enrique Muller, and Betty Doran, 1978
Composed by Friar Candidus Nouwens, Errol Colina
Adopted: July 26, 1978

Himno di Kòrsou

Papiamento Version

Audio Player

Lanta nos bos ban kanta
grandesa di Kòrsou;
Kòrsou, isla chikitu,
baranka den laman!

Kòrsou, nos ta stima bo
ariba tur nashon.
Bo gloria nos ta kanta
di henter nos kurason.

Nos pueblo tin su lucha,
ma semper nos tin fe
di logra den tur tempu
viktoria ku trabou!

Ban duna di nos parti
p’e isla prosperá.
Laga nos uni forsa
p’asina triumfá.

Nos patria nos ta demonstrá
onor i lealdat,
meskos na e bandera
union di nos nashon.

Nos bida lo ta poko
pa duna nos pais,
luchando uní pa libertat,
amor i komprenshon.

I ora nos ta leu fo’i kas
nos tur ta rekordá
Kòrsou, su solo i playanan,
orguyo di nos tur.

Laga nos gloria Kreador
tur tempu i sin fin,
k’El a hasi nos digno
di ta yu di Kòrsou!

Himno di Kòrsou – Curacao Anthem

English Version (Audio Papiamento Version)

Audio Player

Let’s raise our voice and sing
the grandeur of Curaçao;
Curaçao, small island,
a boulder in the sea!

Curaçao, we love you
above all nations.
Your glory we sing
with all our hearts.

Our people have their struggle
but we always have our faith
to accomplish always
victory through labour!

Let us do our part
for the island’s prosperity.
Let us unite forces
so we can triumph.

(To) Our fatherland we demonstrate
honour and loyalty,
as to the flag
the union of our nation.

Our lives would be little
to give for our country,
fighting united for liberty,
love and understanding.

And when we are far from home
we all recall
Curaçao, its sun and beaches
the pride of us all.

Let us praise our Creator
always and forever,
for He has made us worthy
to be born of Curaçao!¹

Aruba Dushi Tera

Dutch Version (Papiamento Version)

Audio Player

Aruba gewaardeerd inheems land
Onze vereerde wieg
U kunt klein en eenvoudig zijn
Maar toch gerespecteerd.


Oh, Aruba, mooi land
Onze rots zo geliefd
Onze liefde voor u is zo sterk
Dat niets het kan vernietigen,
Dat niets het kan vernietigen.

Uw stranden zo bewonderd
Alle met palmbomen versierd
Uw wapen en uw vlag
Zijn de trots van iedereen!


De grootsheid van onze mensen
Is hun geweldige hartelijkheid
Die God kan gidsen en bewaren
Zijn liefde voor vrijheid!



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