Tax > Pollution Tax

A pollution tax, also known as a carbon tax or environmental tax, is a levy imposed by governments on activities or emissions that cause pollution or environmental harm. The purpose of a pollution tax is to internalize the external costs associated with pollution, incentivize polluters to reduce emissions or adopt cleaner technologies, and fund environmental […]

Posted in Tax

Tax > Public Health Tax

A public health tax is a levy imposed by governments to fund public health initiatives, programs, and services aimed at promoting and protecting the health and well-being of the population. The revenue generated from public health taxes is typically used to support a wide range of health-related activities, including disease prevention and control, health education […]

Posted in Tax

Tax > Recycling Tax

Recycling tax is a financial levy imposed by governments on certain goods or materials to promote recycling, reduce waste, and fund recycling initiatives or environmental programs. The purpose of recycling tax is to incentivize responsible consumption, encourage the recycling of materials, and mitigate the environmental impact of waste disposal. Here are some key points about […]

Posted in Tax

Tax > Wealth Tax

Wealth tax is a tax imposed on the net wealth or assets owned by individuals, households, or sometimes corporations. Unlike income tax, which is based on income earned over a period of time, wealth tax is based on the total value of assets owned by a taxpayer at a specific point in time. The purpose […]

Posted in Tax